Thursday, April 30, 2020

Two HGD Lawyers Recognized as 2020 Top Attorneys by Birmingham Magazine

BIRMINGHAM, AL.  April 27, 2020

Erik Heninger and Taylor Bartlett

Heninger Garrison Davis (HGD) is proud to announce that two of the firm’s lawyers were recognized as 2020 Top Attorneys by Birmingham Magazine.

Birmingham Magazine conducted its eleventh annual peer-reviewed survey, asking more than 4,000 local attorneys and registered members of the Birmingham Bar Association for their nominations. Attorneys were recognized for their experience and knowledge within 39 practice areas.

The HGD attorneys selected as Top Attorneys of Birmingham include:

These leading lawyers are chosen for their high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement, and we are proud to have them as a part of our team.

On behalf of our thousands of clients nationwide, each of us at HGD congratulates these talented attorneys for their outstanding achievement and well-deserved recognition.

The complete list of Top Attorneys appears in the April 2020 issue of Birmingham Magazine.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

HGD’s Chris Hood selected BBJ’s “Best of the Bar”

The Birmingham Business Journal (BBJ) has unveiled the winners for its Best of the Bar Awards, which honor excellence in Birmingham’s legal industry. HGD congratulates partner Chris Hood on his recognition as one of the “Best of the Bar” in Birmingham for 2020.

The Magic City is home to a number of attorneys who are pre-eminent experts in their fields, from health care and economic development to venture capital and banking – not to mention a number of corporate counsels who play a critical role in Birmingham’s most successful companies.

BBJ’s Best of the Bar awards are meant to honor the best and brightest in Birmingham’s legal field across a range of practice industries. Honorees were chosen based on nominations received at Honorees were selected based on their tangible accomplishments, their contributions to the industry, and their status in their practice area.

Chris Hood graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with distinction and honors and obtained his law degree from Georgetown University.  He focuses his practice on consumer and environmental class actions, fraud and business torts, and personal injury or death caused by dangerous prescription medicines and medical devices.  He also handles appeals in many of our firm’s major cases.

Congratulations on this most deserved recognition, Chris!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

HGD Providing Small Businesses with Business Interruption Claim Help

Small businesses have clearly been significantly damaged by the COVID-19 virus crisis. The determination of whether there is the potential for recovery of these losses under “business interruption coverage” will depend on the specific language of your policy. Several suits have been filed around the country against insurance companies to recover these losses. The insurers are generally taking the position that standard business interruption policies do not provide coverage against infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and that the premiums were not actuarily priced to cover situations where the losses are catastrophic and almost universal to all businesses.

Some businesses purchase what is known as Supply Chain Insurance to protect against interruption in their supply chain. There is also some question on whether this type of insurance will apply in this COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have losses that you believe should be covered under your business policies, our firm stands ready to review the language in your policies and to give you advice on your lost/reduced revenue claims. We are experienced in insurance litigation to make sure our clients get what they paid for and nothing less.



Monday, April 6, 2020

Massachusetts Sues Juul, a Popular E-Cigarette Maker

Massachusetts has brought a lawsuit against Juul Labs Inc., an electronic cigarette giant. In their recently filed lawsuit, Massachusetts accuses the company of deliberately targeting adolescents and young people through marketing campaigns. The attorney general of Massachusetts has alleged that Juul, the world’s largest e-cigarette maker, has caused a vaping epidemic by using deceptive advertising strategies, targeting vulnerable teenagers and adolescents. This is not the first state to bring a lawsuit against Juul. California, New York, and Pennsylvania have also brought lawsuits against the company.

Lawsuit Against Juul Focuses on Juul’s Advertising Practices

The lawsuit filed by the Massachusetts attorney general alleges that Juul bought advertisements on adolescent websites. Allegedly, Juul took out advertising space on,, and and other websites designed to help students with social studies and math.

According to research conducted by Massachusett’s attorney general, Juul considered focusing marketing on helping adults quit smoking cigarettes, but instead intentionally decided to target kids and teenagers. Many of Juul’s advertisements show young models using Juul. Massachusetts’ attorney general says that 80% of Juul’s email list had not passed the most basic age verification test. In some emails, Juul representatives told recipients how to get around Massachusetts smoking age laws.

Negative Costs Associated with E-Cigarette Companies Like Juul

The negative health costs associated with e-cigarettes that use a liquid that contains nicotine can be serious. The financial costs of dealing with e-cigarettes are also significant. For example, Massachusetts schools have needed to install $50,000 anti-vaping devices in their bathrooms.

Massachusetts has confirmed that 36 people have died as a result of vaping-related illnesses. Across the United States, 64 people have died from vaping-related illnesses, while 2,700 people across the country have suffered from illnesses related to vaping. The lost work time and health care costs of those affected by vaping-related illnesses are significant.

Juul’s Marketing Tactics Target Teenagers and Adolescents

The complaint filed by Massachusetts alleges that Juul violated the consumer laws of Massachusetts. Juul allegedly did so by targeting underage consumers through its advertising and marketing. The complaint goes on to allege that Juul failed to verify online buyers’ ages or to ensure that people aged 21 or older received shipments from Juul’s online e-commerce website. In September, the Massachusetts attorney general sent a cease and desist letter to Juul, and as a result, Juul stopped selling products online to customers in Massachusetts.

Personal Injuries Caused by Using Juul E-Cigarettes

Several states have brought lawsuits against Juul. However, individuals can also bring their own class-action lawsuits against Juul. In order to succeed in a personal injury lawsuit against Juul, you must prove that you have suffered an injury caused by the product. The Food and Drug Administration has received numerous reports of JuuL users facing serious injuries as a result of using the nicotine-filled e-cigarettes. Some of the health risks associated with using e-cigarette products include the following:

  • Embolisms
  • Joint pain
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Strokes
  • Seizures
  • Convulsions
  • Heart injuries
  • Lung injuries
  • Nicotine poisoning
  • Death

In 2018, the Journal of Pediatrics published a report about the different negative carcinogenic effects of the vape “juice” used in Juul devices. It found the following chemicals:

  • Diacetyl (butter flavor)
  • Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
  • Toluene (ingredient in paint thinners)
  • Acrolein (used to kill algae in canals and water treatment facilities)

When vaping products become heated, which has become a popular method of inhaling liquid Juul flavors, heavy metal particles can result. These heavy metal particles include cadmium, lead, chromium, manganese, and nickel. All of these heavy medal chemicals can become lodged in the lung tissue of Juul users. All of these chemicals can be toxic and cause serious health problems. For example, these chemicals can cause bronchiolitis obliterans, which is a severe and irreversible lung disease commonly called “popcorn lung.” Those who develop popcorn lung often suffer from shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Popcorn lunch is a similar condition to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Injured by Juul Products? Our Lawyers can Help

If you have suffered an injury caused by a Juul e-cigarette, you may be entitled to compensation. People across the country have filed thousands of lawsuits related to injuries caused by Juul e-cigarettes. Contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at Heninger Garrison Davis to schedule your initial consultation today.

What is Insurance Bad Faith in Alabama?

Responsible families all across Alabama pay monthly insurance premiums in order to protect their families from liability. One serious car accident or house fire has the potential to bankruptcy a middle-class family when an insurance company fails to pay the claim. We depend on Alabama insurance companies to adequately settle legitimate claims. What happens when insurance companies refuse to pay for auto accident claims that are covered by the policy?

Under Alabama law, auto insurance companies must act reasonably when they investigate, process, and pay insurance claims. When insurance companies act in bad faith, they may be in violation of Alabama state law. Alabama recognizes the personal injury tort of insurance bad faith. You, as a policyholder, have a right to bring a civil lawsuit for bad faith when an insurer wrongfully denied an insurance claim against the insurance policy.

Contact Our Alabama Insurance Bad Faith Lawyers Today

If you suspect that your insurer denied your claim in bad faith, our law firm can help. You may have a right to file a lawsuit for insurance bad faith in an Alabama court. Successful plaintiffs can recover damages. Contact the Alabama bad faith insurance lawyers at Heninger Garrison Davis today to schedule your initial consultation.

Elements for an Insurance Bad Faith Claim in Alabama

Insurance policyholders can bring a lawsuit for insurance bad faith claims when an insurer wrongfully denies a claim against their insurance policy. Plaintiffs must prove the following to succeed in an insurance bad faith claim:

  • An insurance contract between the plaintiff and the insurance company existed
  • The defendant breached the contract
  • The defendant insurance company refused to pay a claim
  • The defendant insurance company had no reasonable or arguable grounds to refuse to pay the insurance claim

Alabama insurance companies often defend themselves by stating that they had a lawful and reasonable reason for denying the insurance claim. When an insurance company can prove a valid basis for their denial of the claim, the plaintiff cannot be liable for a bad faith insurance claim.

Abnormal Bad Faith Insurance Claims

In some certain cases, the plaintiff can bring a lawsuit for abnormal bad faith insurance claims. The plaintiff can bring this type of lawsuit when an insurance company intentionally failed to decide whether they even had an arguable basis for a denial. For example, if an insurance company automatically denied a claim without even considering whether they had a legal right to deny the claim. Alabama law recognizes four different types of abnormal bad faith insurance claims, including the following:

  • The insurer intentionally or recklessly fails to investigate a plaintiff’s insurance claim
  • The insurer intentionally or recklessly fails to evaluate the plaintiff’s insurance claim
  • The insurer developed a reason to deny the plaintiff’s claim that is debatable
  • The insurer used ambiguous policy language as the basis to deny the insurance claim

Abnormal bad faith insurance claims are common during Alabama hurricane season. When devastating hurricanes happen, many different insured people make claims at the same time. Insurance companies have been known to quickly go through claims and deny batches of claims without investigating the claims.

The first step in an abnormal bad faith insurance claim is to determine whether the insurance company did have any arguable or reasonably legitimate grounds for refusing to pay the claim. Should the trial court decide that the insurer did have a basis at the time of the denial, the claim cannot proceed.

Damages Available for Bad Faith Insurance Claims in Alabama

Bad faith insurance claims are personal injury claims and successful plaintiffs can recover a full range of damages. In other words, bad faith insurance claims are not simply contract claims with only compensatory damages available. Instead, bad faith insurance claims can include recovery for punitive damages as well as damage for mental anguish.

Successful plaintiffs will be entitled to measurable economic damages that stemmed from the denial of the claim. They will also be entitled to non-economic damages for the inconvenience, stress, pain, and suffering caused by the denial of the insurance claim.

Contact Our Insurance Bad Faith Insurance Claim Proving a bad faith insurance claim is not always easy. You will need to prove that there was no legitimate debate regarding the insurance claim. You will need to prove that the insurance adjuster did not have any room to deny the claim on reasonable grounds. Contact our Alabama law firm today to schedule your initial consultation.

Understanding Infant Brain Injuries Caused by Medical Malpractice

Every day, millions of women around the world give birth without any complications. Unfortunately, birth injuries do happen, and they can cause serious brain injuries. Infant brain injuries can cause life-long medical conditions, including cerebral palsy, seizures, autism, and severe developmental delays. In a matter of a few seconds, a doctor or surgeon’s error can cause a lifetime of preventable medical conditions. In many cases, infants who suffer severe brain injuries require 24-hour nursing care.

Our Infant Brain Injury Lawyers can Help

If your child has suffered a severe brain injury, our lawyers can help. The personal injury attorneys at Heninger Garrison Davis understand how devastating it can be to watch your child suffer a severe brain injury. You are probably concerned about how you will pay your mounting medical expenses. Many parents of children who have suffered brain damage at birth are worried about how their children will survive after they pass away.

If your child suffered a brain injury at birth, you may have a right to compensation. When a medical professional’s negligence or recklessness caused your child’s brain injury, you have a right to compensation. Contact the experienced Alabama brain injury lawyers at Heninger Garrison Davis as soon as possible to schedule your initial consultation to learn how we can help you.

Birth Injuries can Cause Severe Brain Damage

At the end of February, A judge in New Jersey recently approved a $6.5 million settlement. In this case, an infant suffered permanent brain injuries during a routine hernia repair surgery. According to the lawsuit, the hospital staff negligently intubated the baby and failed to monitor her oxygen levels during the surgery.

As a result, the lawsuit alleges that her brain did not receive enough oxygen. As a result of the surgeon’s medical malpractice, the infant now has significant problems with motor control, vision and learning delays, seizures, and encephalopathy. The child’s infant brain injury will change the rest of her life permanently.

Symptoms of Brain Injury

After a complicated birth, parents may not know the full consequences of their child’s brain injury. The symptoms may be apparent immediately, such as when an infant needs to be placed on a ventilator due to a brain injury. In other cases, the full extent of the child’s developmental delays may not become apparent for a matter of months. Understanding the symptoms of brain injury can be helpful when considering whether or not to file an Alabama brain injury lawsuit. Some of the most common symptoms of brain injury include the following:

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulties with vision, balance, and hearing
  • Difficulty reasoning or concentrating
  • Difficulting finding the right word or speaking
  • Lack of bodily coordination
  • Weakness in the legs and arms
  • Partial paralysis or complete paralysis
  • Emotional issues such as mood swings and aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Medical Malpractice can Make Infant Brain Injuries Worse

Medical malpractice can cause brain injuries and also exacerbate brain injuries. In the case mentioned above, the negligence of the anesthesiologist allegedly caused the brain injuries by not monitoring the infant’s oxygen properly. Medical malpractice can also make brain injuries worse, such as:

  • Failure to diagnose a brain bleed, aneurysm, blood clot, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, or stroke when the misdiagnosed condition causes brain damage
  • Surgical errors during a patient’s neurosurgery that cause brain injury
  • A lack of oxygen to the brain
  • Undiagnosed or untreated brain infections that spread to the brain and cause brain damage
  • Medication errors that cause brain injuries
  • Failure to intubate a patient properly causing brain damage
  • Nursing home abuse that leads to brain damage
  • Failure to provide newborns with proper oxygen during the birth process
  • Failure to properly monitor a fetus during childbirth
  • Failure to respond to symptoms of fetal distress
  • Permitting a newborn infant to have high levels of bilirubin and not adequately treating the infant
  • Failure to adequately treat a newborn with breathing problems
  • Anesthesia or medication errors

Recovering Compensation for Infant Brain Injuries Brain injuries are often extremely financially devastating. When an infant suffers a serious brain injury, the results are often catastrophic and require long-term nursing care. If your child suffered a serious brain injury, it is essential that you fight aggressively to pursue every dollar of compensation possible. You will need to fight to collect all of the money your child will need to survive now and after you are gone. Contact the lawyers at Heninger Garrison Davis today to schedule your initial consultation.

Coronavirus and Nursing Home Negligence

If you have an elderly loved one who lives in a nursing home, you are likely concerned about that person catching the coronavirus. People all over the United States are wondering how to protect their loved ones from Coronavirus (COVID-19), a viral medical condition that has become a dangerous global pandemic. The coronavirus recently stated that the spread of the Coronavirus could last 18 months or longer. Currently, there are 33,404 cases of Coronavirus in the United States, and 400 people have died.

The Elderly are at a High Risk of Dying From Coronavirus

Nursing home residents and those living in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities have a higher fatality rate from Coronavirus. The most extensive study published on Coronavirus reported that those over the age of 80 have a 15% chance of dying from Coronavirus. The rate of fatality for patients under the age of 80 is only 2.3%. Mortality from Coronavirus increases as a person’s age increases.

Additionally, many elderly individuals have other underlying health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease. Those with underlying health issues are twice as likely to develop serious health problems or death from the Coronavirus. If you have a relative or loved one in an Alabama nursing home, you are probably rightly concerned about their safety.

Coronavirus can Devastate a Nursing Home Population

Coronavirus has spread rapidly among nursing homes in Washington and Illinois. The coronavirus cases in Washington have led to over 35 deaths and over 100 additional cases of Coronavirus among residents and staff members. When one person contracts the Coronavirus, nearly every resident and staff members can develop the condition.

Coronavirus Spreads Rapidly in Alabama Nursing Homes

When nursing home staff do not follow the proper safety guidelines, they put the safety of every nursing home resident at risk. The Coronavirus is similar to the flu in that it spreads from person-to-person. Specifically, Coronavirus spreads when respiratory droplets transfer between people when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Alabama nursing homes and long-term care facilities are particularly problematic when it comes to Coronavirus. The virus has the potential to spread extremely quickly from person to person. One infected person can cause hundreds of residents and staff to become infected because of the confined nature of the nursing home staff.

Coronavirus Infections Caused by Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing homes owe their elderly residents a legal duty of care, even when a pandemic like Coronavirus is taking place. Healthcare facilities and nursing homes that do not take the proper safety measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus may be liable for the injuries caused to those residents.

What happens if a nursing home fails to check their staff members for fevers or other symptoms of the Coronavirus and a family member contracts the virus as a result? In this situation, the nursing home could be financially liable for the infected resident’s medical expenses and pain and suffering.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, healthcare workers must follow extremely strict procedures. These procedures have been proven to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. Alabama nursing homes have a legal duty to make sure their staff engages in all of the following practices:

  • Staff must practice proper hand washing hygiene
  • Staff must wear personal protective equipment
  • Nursing homes should restrict all visitors from contacting infected patients
  • Nursing homes should screen their staff members and prevent potentially infected or infected healthcare staff from contacting nursing home residents

Do You Have a Coronavirus Nursing Home Negligence Case in Alabama?

What happens if your loved one contracts Coronavirus while in an Alabama nursing home? If that happens, you may be wondering if the nursing home took all of the necessary steps to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. You may also be wondering if you have a valid personal injury lawsuit against the Alabama nursing home.

The first step in determining if you have a valid lawsuit is to decide if the nursing home acted negligently. Nursing homes and long-term care facilities can be liable for damages caused by Coronavirus when the nursing home negligently caused the resident to contract Coronavirus. A nursing home is negligent if they fail to take the proper precautionary steps to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading and cause your loved one’s illness.

Contact Our Alabama Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers Are you concerned that nursing home negligence caused your loved one to contract coronavirus? If so, the legal team at Heninger Garrison Davis can help. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

Alabama Car Accident Statistics

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injuries in Alabama. Several different Alabama organizations keep track of how, where, and when car accidents happen. By understanding car accident statistics, we can avoid common risk factors that cause serious car accidents. However, even the safest Alabama drivers can become victims of car accidents caused by unsafe, negligent drivers.

If You Have Suffered an Injury in an Alabama Car Accident, We can Help

If you or a loved one have suffered a serious car accident in Alabama, you may be entitled to damages. When a negligent driver caused the car accident that resulted in your injuries, the driver has a legal duty to compensate you for your financial and emotional losses. Contact the Alabama car accident lawyers at Heninger Garrison Davis today to schedule your initial consultation and learn how our law firm can fight for you.

The Latests Car Accident Statistics in Alabama

In Alabama and across the country, motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death. Unintentional motor vehicle injuries are the third most common cause of death in the United States. Car accidents are the most common cause of unintentional injuries. For teenagers, car accidents are the leading cause of death.

Every year, the University of Alabama publishes a Crash Facts Book (CFB). The CFB provides invaluable data regarding Alabama car accident statistics. The most recent Crash Facts Book offers statistics from 2018. One of the most important takeaways from the 2018 crash facts statistics revealed that nearly 60% of individuals who died in car accidents were not wearing seatbelts.

Car Accident Fatalities in Alabama

Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents are a common cause of fatalities in Alabama. Based on data collected in 2018, we can understand the common causes of car accident deaths, such as:

  • In 2018, 953 people died from motor vehicle accidents in a total of 872 fatal accidents
  • Someone dies in a car accident in Alabama once every 9 hours and 10 minutes
  • Nearly 56% of people who died in Alabama car accidents were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash
  • Most fatal car accidents, approximately 60%, occur in rural areas
  • 9% of fatal car accidents in Alabama are caused by teenage drivers age 19 and younger
  • 20% of motor vehicle accidents were caused by drivers age 25 and younger
  • For every motor vehicle fatality, there are nearly 50 injuries
  • Nearly 50% of fatal car accidents happen at night, or during dusk and dawn
  • 106 Alabama pedestrians died from car accidents
  • 83 motor vehicle fatalities involved moped or motorcycle riders
  • 9 bicyclists suffered fatalities
  • Alabama trains accounted for 12 fatalities
  • Front seat vehicle passengers who are not wearing a seatbelt are 50 times more likely to be killed than those who are wearing a seatbelt

Alabama Car Accident Injury Statistics for 2018

  • Over 10,000 people suffered injuries from car accidents in Alabama
  • Every 3 minutes and 17 seconds, a car accident takes place in Alabama
  • Every 11 minutes and 5 seconds, someone becomes injured in Alabama in a car accident
  • Most Alabama motor vehicle accidents happen in urban areas
  • Between 2917 and 2018, car accident injuries increased by 31.72%
  • Economic losses from car accidents increased by 56.13% in Alabama

Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Alabama

Under Alabama law, a wrongful death is any death caused by the “wrongful act, omission, or negligence” of another person. When a negligent driver caused the car accident that resulted in your loved one’s death, you may be entitled to compensation. In a wrongful death lawsuit, the estate of a deceased individual can bring a personal injury claim on his or her behalf, as if he or she had lived.

Wrongful death lawsuits are civil lawsuits even if the negligent driver is also facing criminal charges related to the car accident. Only the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate can file a wrongful death lawsuit. The estate will receive any damages brought about by the wrongful death lawsuit. Successful wrongful death lawsuits result in damages for funeral expenses, medical bills, other economic losses resulting from the victim’s death, and damages for pain and suffering.

Contact Our Alabama Car Accident Lawyers

If you have suffered an injury in an Alabama car accident, or you have lost a loved one in a car accident, our law firm can help. Contact our personal injury law firm as soon as possible to schedule your initial consultation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It’s Just Vaping, Isn’t it? – The Real Difference between Juul and Cigarettes

As technologies develop and markets change, the rule of law can sometimes take a while to catch up. New industries rise and proliferate long before appropriate legislation can be considered.

The popularity of vaping and electronic cigarettes has thrown the law (and many citizens) into a state of confusion. Which, if any option, is safest? What recourses do I, or someone I love, have if we’ve been harmed? Why were these companies allowed to sell unsafe products in the first place? 

To this formidable list of questions, we can add the simplest and most common—what are the real differences between vaping with Juul and smoking?

Heninger Garrison Davis knows a thing or two about vaping. As the first law firm to file a national suit against Juul in 2018 over permanent lung injuries, Heninger Garrison Davis led the charge for public safety and consumer rights long before Juul made international headlines.

Analog vs. digital

Despite the tobacco industry’s best efforts, it’s long been known that smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products puts users at a higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and various forms of cancers.  Is it any wonder then, that society is eager for a “safer” alternative?

Although e-cigarettes are often marketed as a “smoking cessation” aid, trading the “analog” cigarette for the “digital” vape pen may not lead to long term success or wellness.

Lifelong smokers may be willing to accept some “risk,” but the vaping industry doesn’t stop at selling their products for smoking cessation.  Advertising targeted toward teenagers and even younger children threatens to expose new generations to addiction and other long-term side effects that haven’t yet been studied.

But what are the real costs of vaping?

Safe, safer, or downright harmful?

While it is commonly believed that most e-cigarette vapor lacks many of the harmful chemicals present in traditional tobacco cigarettes, that doesn’t necessarily make them safe. 

For starters, and no matter how you cut it, nicotine is an addictive substance. For young children who are still developing and pregnant women, nicotine can cause serious damage.  E-cigarette liquid can also contain harmful metals and other ingredients that can be absorbed secondhand. In some cases, accidental poisonings have been reported when children or adults ingested or came into direct contact with the vapor liquid itself. 

While adults can make informed decisions about their health, it’s also important to remember that we don’t know the full extent of vaping’s safety or side effects.  Unlike the tobacco industry, the vaping industry is mostly unregulated, and it may take years or even decades before the full extent of vaping’s harm is known.

Trading mystery for security

Juul and other large vaping companies would like us to believe that their products are safer than cigarettes, but “safer than cigarettes” isn’t saying much. 

There are other, more reliable methods of smoking cessation, and we can all agree that our children shouldn’t be using nicotine products at all.

Heninger Garrison Davis believes that the legal system was not designed to serve the interest of a select few.  If you or someone you know has been harmed or unjustly targeted by vaping companies, you might need to consider legal representation.

Even if you are not ready to file a suit, you may still consult with one of our qualified lawyers for free to learn your options — Call 1-800-222-9657 for a free claim evaluation. A member of our staff will reach out to you to discuss your options. You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

H3: Partner with Heninger Garrison Davis to File a Claim Against JUUL

Heninger Garrison Davis is Alabama’s most prolific civil litigation law firm based in Birmingham, AL. We focus on personal injury, business litigation, mass tort, and class action cases. We possess the sophisticated legal skills, financial resources, and multi-layered support needed to take on the world’s most powerful corporations. Our team works hard to cut through the complexity, get to the heart of the problem, and win what matters the most.