Tuesday, March 31, 2020

HGD Partners with CareHealth to Support Health Care Workers

HGD is proud to partner with CareHealth, a Birmingham charity that hires local restaurants to feed healthcare workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic. In our ongoing effort to support the community, HGD will be helping to provide meals to Birmingham’s Healthcare workers for the month of April.

CareHealth is an Urban Avenues initiative that aims to show gratitude for the healthcare community and their commitment to serve our city. During the COVID crisis, they are providing meals to healthcare professionals across Birmingham.

By utilizing local restaurants as the food providers, they are also pouring resources back into the Birmingham small business community. Like most in our community, HGD is profoundly grateful to our healthcare workers who are risking their lives to save ours.

Thank you, Birmingham restaurants, for continuing to feed us all, and thank you to our healthcare workers for all you are doing on the frontlines in this fight against the Corona Virus to help keep us safe!




Monday, March 30, 2020

HGD Current Update for Our Friends and Clients


March 30, 2020

Dear Friends and Clients,

As we work as a community to continue to prepare and shift for the impact of COVID-19, we wanted to share how HGD is addressing the current situation. The health and safety of our employees, clients, and communities continue to be our primary concern. There are a number of measures we are taking to ensure we manage to safely get through this fluid situation while continuing to serve our clients, business partners, and employees effectively.

For our clients, HGD is maintaining all of our legal services and our business is fully operational – it’s business as usual (albeit far from usual circumstances).

With all of our IT systems operating as expected to allow for remote work, we have taken the following steps to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees and local communities:

  • All employees have been strongly encouraged to work remotely. Work-related travel and event attendance has been suspended or postponed.
  • In addition to using our normal collaboration and communication tools, we are providing employees additional equipment to ensure a comfortable and effective remote workspace.
  • We continue to monitor recommendations from the WHO, CDC, and elected officials so we remain up-to-date on the latest information and safety protocols.

 this time of uncertainty, we will do everything we can to support our clients and our community. Should global conditions shift, we are confident we can quickly respond to changing dynamics, minimizing impacts to our business and disruptions to our clients and business partners.

These are challenging and uncertain times, but we feel confident that as a company and as a community, we can get through this together. Be safe. Be well. Please reach out to us if we may help you in any way.

Your friends at HGD

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Important Message from HGD to Our Friends and Clients


March 17, 2020

Our Friends and Clients:

This is a stressful time for many. We at Heninger Garrison Davis want to let you each know that we will continue to be here for you to assist in your legal needs. As an obligation to the health and well-being of our employees and in accordance with governmental and CDC directives, we have temporarily changed the way we go about the day-to-day practice of law.

As feasible, our employees will be working, some in the office and some remotely, through this coronavirus crisis. Meetings may be conducted telephonically or in office, as determined by our clients’ needs while taking into account governmental and CDC directives. We are all available by office phone, cell phone and by email, and, as is our custom and practice, your legal needs will be handled promptly and competently.

Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding matters which our firm is handling for you. We are committed to making those adjustments that may be necessary based upon your specific needs.

We will all get through this together. Be well. Be safe. Be assured you can contact us with questions or concerns to assist you or your business.

Your Friends at HGD


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Steve Heninger named to B-Metro Hall of Fame Attorneys 2020


HGD Congratulates Steve Heninger for being named to B-Metro’s Hall of Fame Attorneys for 2020. The selections for the award winners were made after  local peer  nominations through an online survey. Education, reputation, commitment to professionalism and community impact were considered in the selection process. Hall of Fame attorneys have been in practice for 25+ years.


Thursday, March 12, 2020

HGD Team “Brings the Heat” Wins 1st Runner Up in Chili Cook-Off!

Team HGD “Brings The Heat” participated in the Exceptional Foundation’s 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off on a beautiful and sunny day, Saturday, March 7 and won 1st Alternate in the contest! The HGD chili cooking team included Callen Sparrow, Cheryl Thomas, Lisa Mann, Kaye Ricco, Mate Marvin, and Mark Ekonen! Over 150 teams participated and Saturday’s cook-off saw one of the largest crowds in several years. Congratulations to all who placed in the contest as well as those who participated to help support the fabulous programs at the Exceptional Foundation!


Grand Prize:  Alabama Graphics

1st Runner Up:  Heninger Garrison Davis/Brings the Heat
2nd Runner Up:  Regions


1st Place:  AmWINS Chili Dogs

2nd Place:  Team Goldasich Presents The Burning Love Chili Café

3rd Place:  ARC Realty

People’s Choice:  The Stewart/Perry Company, Inc.
Participant Choice:  CommerceOne Bank
Sportsmanship Award:  Edward Chevorlet

HGD Chili Cook-Off Team Wins 1st Runner Up!

Team HGD “Brings The Heat” participated in the Exceptional Foundation’s 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off on a beautiful and sunny day, Saturday, March 7 and won 1st Alternate in the contest! The HGD chili cooking team included Callen Sparrow, Cheryl Thomas, Lisa Mann, Kaye Ricco, Mate Marvin, and Mark Ekonen! Over 150 teams participated and Saturday’s cook-off saw one of the largest crowds in several years. Congratulations to all who placed in the contest as well as those who participated to help support the fabulous programs at the Exceptional Foundation!

Grand Prize:  Alabama Graphics

1st Runner Up:  Heninger Garrison Davis/Brings the Heat
2nd Runner Up:  Regions


1st Place:  AmWINS Chili Dogs

2nd Place:  Team Goldasich Presents The Burning Love Chili Café

3rd Place:  ARC Realty

People’s Choice:  The Stewart/Perry Company, Inc.
Participant Choice:  CommerceOne Bank
Sportsmanship Award:  Edward Chevorlet

Friday, March 6, 2020

It’s Just Vaping, Isn’t it? – The Real Difference between Juul and Cigarettes

As technologies develop and markets change, the rule of law can sometimes take a while to catch up. New industries rise and proliferate long before appropriate legislation can be considered.

The popularity of vaping and electronic cigarettes has thrown the law (and many citizens) into a state of confusion. Which, if any option, is safest? What recourses do I, or someone I love, have if we’ve been harmed? Why were these companies allowed to sell unsafe products in the first place? 

To this formidable list of questions, we can add the simplest and most common—what are the real differences between vaping with Juul and smoking?

Heninger Garrison Davis knows a thing or two about vaping. As the first law firm to file a national suit against Juul in 2018 over permanent lung injuries, Heninger Garrison Davis led the charge for public safety and consumer rights long before Juul made international headlines.

Analog vs. digital

Despite the tobacco industry’s best efforts, it’s long been known that smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products puts users at a higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and various forms of cancers.  Is it any wonder then, that society is eager for a “safer” alternative?

Although e-cigarettes are often marketed as a “smoking cessation” aid, trading the “analog” cigarette for the “digital” vape pen may not lead to long term success or wellness.

Lifelong smokers may be willing to accept some “risk,” but the vaping industry doesn’t stop at selling their products for smoking cessation.  Advertising targeted toward teenagers and even younger children threatens to expose new generations to addiction and other long-term side effects that haven’t yet been studied.

But what are the real costs of vaping?

Safe, safer, or downright harmful?

While it is commonly believed that most e-cigarette vapor lacks many of the harmful chemicals present in traditional tobacco cigarettes, that doesn’t necessarily make them safe. 

For starters, and no matter how you cut it, nicotine is an addictive substance. For young children who are still developing and pregnant women, nicotine can cause serious damage.  E-cigarette liquid can also contain harmful metals and other ingredients that can be absorbed secondhand. In some cases, accidental poisonings have been reported when children or adults ingested or came into direct contact with the vapor liquid itself. 

While adults can make informed decisions about their health, it’s also important to remember that we don’t know the full extent of vaping’s safety or side effects.  Unlike the tobacco industry, the vaping industry is mostly unregulated, and it may take years or even decades before the full extent of vaping’s harm is known.

Trading mystery for security

Juul and other large vaping companies would like us to believe that their products are safer than cigarettes, but “safer than cigarettes” isn’t saying much. 

There are other, more reliable methods of smoking cessation, and we can all agree that our children shouldn’t be using nicotine products at all.

Heninger Garrison Davis believes that the legal system was not designed to serve the interest of a select few.  If you or someone you know has been harmed or unjustly targeted by vaping companies, you might need to consider legal representation.

Even if you are not ready to file a suit, you may still consult with one of our qualified lawyers for free to learn your options — Call 1-800-222-9657 for a free claim evaluation. A member of our staff will reach out to you to discuss your options. You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

Partner with Heninger Garrison Davis to File a Claim Against JUUL

Heninger Garrison Davis is Alabama’s most prolific civil litigation law firm based in Birmingham, AL. We focus on personal injury, business litigation, mass tort, and class action cases. We possess the sophisticated legal skills, financial resources, and multi-layered support needed to take on the world’s most powerful corporations. Our team works hard to cut through the complexity, get to the heart of the problem, and win what matters the most.