Wednesday, January 22, 2020

JUULing and the teen vaping epidemic

Young Man in Hoodie JUULing

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in 2018, only 1 in 25 high school seniors were using tobacco products. Thanks to continued efforts over the past two decades, underage nicotine use had finally reached an all-time low, and the epidemic of teens using tobacco products seemed to be coming to an end – that is until JUUL entered the picture. 

What is JUUL, and why is it an epidemic among teens?

JUUL is a small size vaping device that looks like a computer flash drive and has a variety of appealing flavors. This product is advertised as a safe alternative to cigarettes, but the high levels of nicotine and other chemicals found in their pods are still very dangerous to teens. 

The solution’s design creates and sustains nicotine addiction and uses another chemical to increase nicotine absorption. Teens mistakenly believe that using the JUUL device, also known as “JUULing,” is safe, and find its small size and ease of concealment an appealing form of rebellion.

Another reason this has become an epidemic is how JUUL’s marketing is targeting minors. Internal company documents from JUUL have revealed that they have deliberately focused marketing research efforts toward selling their products to kids. 

Parents must learn the signs of e-cigarette use so that they can know when it is time to step in and talk to their children. 

Signs your teen is “JUULing.”

Unfortunately, it is tough to detect the use of JUUL e-cigarettes because they don’t emit the same odor as cigarettes. However, there are signs you can look for so that you can know when it is time to talk to your teens about “JUULing.” 

  • Sweet smell: E-cigarette solutions come in a variety of flavors, so the odor they emit is equally varied. Most of the time, the scent is sweet, like fruit or candy. 
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Irritability: Nicotine withdrawal can cause moodiness or a jittery demeanor. 
  • Nosebleeds: Vaping dries out the skin inside of the nose, causing nosebleeds, especially in the winter. 
  • Frequent thirst: The chemicals in vaping liquids have been found to cause dehydration and increased thirst. 
  • Persistent cough: Vaping irritates the lungs and can make breathing difficult. 

In addition to these signs, you might look for strange-looking devices that resemble large USB drives – JUUL’s signature design that makes it easy to conceal. 

What you can do if JUUL has injured your child

The company has come under fire recently in the wake of three lawsuits alleging the devices have caused JUUL users to become addicted to nicotine. One of the JUUL lawsuits filed was by the parents of a 15-year-old boy who they claim is addicted to the vaping device and the nicotine it provides. Also, the Massachusetts Attorney General opened an investigation into JUUL to determine if the company is targeting minors with their products.

Heninger Garrison Davis is currently looking for people who vape who may have experienced any of the following:

  • Addiction – with or without treatment.
  • Any person, especially high school or college students, who have been diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis or pneumonia or eosinophilic pneumonia that required medical treatment including hospitalization. JUUL smokers can quickly develop significant pneumonia that may require ICU care, including mechanical ventilation. 
  • Any person who has developed COPD or advanced asthma after using JUUL products.
  • Any person that has a heart attack (myocardial infarction) after using JUUL products.

Even if you are not ready to file a suit, you may still consult with one of our qualified lawyers for free to learn your options — Call 1-800-222-9657 for a free claim evaluation. A member of our staff will reach out to you to discuss your options. You may be entitled to monetary compensation.

Partner with Heninger Garrison Davis to File a Claim Against JUUL

Heninger Garrison Davis is Alabama’s most prolific civil litigation law firm based in Birmingham, AL. We focus on personal injury, business litigation, mass tort, and class action cases. We possess the sophisticated legal skills, financial resources, and multi-layered support needed to take on the world’s most powerful corporations. Our team works hard to cut through the complexity, get to the heart of the problem, and win what matters the most.

Friday, January 3, 2020

What to Say to an Insurance Adjuster


by HGD Staff

So you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, and you are hurt. You have gotten treatment in the emergency room, and you know your injuries are serious. You will no doubt have to spend months receiving physical therapy, or you may even need surgery. Within 24 hours of your traumatic event, you begin receiving phone calls from a friendly individual who asks about your injuries and expresses deep concern. He or she wants you to know that they will be doing everything they can to make sure you do not have anything to worry about. Maybe they offer to pay your medical bills; maybe they tell you they already have someone taking care of your car so it can be fixed. It can be very easy to see this person as a friendly source of relief.


But beware! This is an insurance adjuster. While many of them truly are wonderful people who mean well, it is important to realize their role in the claims process. First and foremost, do not answer any questions until you have spoken to a skilled Alabama injury lawyer. Here is what you should say to an insurance adjuster, if anything at all.


“Not Right Now”


You have been through a difficult and traumatic event. Whether you were a motorcyclist, pedestrian, driver, or passenger, chances are you are really shaken up. Now is not a reasonable time for you to be giving statements or being interrogated about the event. You need time to receive medical care, gather your wits, and make sure that you understand your rights. If an insurance claims adjuster begins asking you questions, be polite, but respectfully let them know that right now is not a good time. Then get off the phone.


“May I Have Your Contacts, So I Can Call Back Later?”


Another highly effective way to handle an insurance adjuster is to let them know that it is not a good time, but if they will give you the following information, you will happily be in touch shortly.


An adjuster will almost always be happy to provide the following information:


  • The insurance company name
  • The claim number
  • The adjuster’s full name
  • A direct contact number
  • A good working fax number
  • An email address, if they use one
  • The proper claims mailing address to use if you need to send them something


Once you have these things, there is nothing more to say. Politely say good-bye and discontinue the call.


But They Offered to Pay for My Car


Yes, the adjuster may be asking questions in order to repair your car. However, conversation can quickly deteriorate into questions about your injuries and medical treatment. If the other driver’s insurance company is willing to fix your vehicle now, there is a pretty good chance they will still be willing to once an attorney contacts them. In fact, they are probably more likely to do so, as they know an experienced set of eyes is now watching them. Every state has a comprehensive set of regulations that control the manner in which insurance companies are required to handle claims. In Alabama, the insurance regulations dictate how long the insurance company has to respond to claims, pay valid claims and make property damage arrangements.


“I Would Feel More Comfortable if You Spoke with My Attorney”


Once you tell an insurance adjuster that you have an attorney, they should discontinue any attempt to speak with you or take your statement. They are legally required to direct their questions to your attorney instead. They will, however, insist that you tell them who your attorney is. Do not bluff or try to “fake” having an attorney. If you claim to have an attorney but do not have one, the insurance company may stop working on your claim until they hear from your attorney. If you do not have one, this can delay your claim and even hurt your case.


It is easy to get legal help after an Alabama auto accident or other type of personal injury. If you are getting calls from an adjuster, give Heninger Garrison Davis a call today. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can provide you with a comprehensive free case evaluation. If we agree to represent you, you will not need to call the adjuster back. Our attorneys will handle that for you in order to protect your interests.